Reading news

Do Share with us your News

Do Share with us your News

There are lots of great things going on in our Diocese of Portsmouth but sadly people never know about them or they don’t know X or Y is about to going to place until it’s too late and so they cannot attend or participate. Yet everything that happens in our Diocese, in its parish and school communities, is part of our great mission: to bring people closer to Jesus Christ through His Church. We need a culture shift! Often people attend something at church and by God’s grace come away afterwards thinking ‘That was good!’ But then they don’t tell anyone about it. Nobody knows. This is why I’d like to invite you to send me details of any forthcoming events and to send me reports of any good past events. It is a way of sharing the Good News. Just as we are exhorted by the Deacon (or Priest) at the end of Mass to “Go and announce the Gospel of the Lord” and to go and share our faith with others outside the Church, so let us share the good news from our own communities within the Diocese with those from far and wide who read e-News each week. We do have an editorial policy which you can read below, but our simple purpose is to share news of what’s happening across the Diocese. e-News also tries to include a broad range of news and reflective articles.
