Flame 2023
On Saturday 4th March I will be attending the largest youth gathering of Catholics in England and Wales -Flame. I have attended every Flame Youth gathering that has been held and each has proven to be an awesome and inspiring experience. If you or someone you know is in Year 9 or above, at College, or Uni, or a young adult in our Diocese I would like you/them to join me at the gathering.
Tickets to attend Flame 23 are now on sale at the early bird price of £24 and should be purchased through the Diocese either through your parish or by contacting youth@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk I also understand clothing bearing the Diocesan logo and transport from Portsmouth Cathedral are also available for purchase. So please speak to your parish priest or email youth@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk without delay as I expect the tickets will be snapped up very quickly.