Communion under both Kinds?
I have been asked a couple of times recently, now that the pandemic seems to be subsiding, whether at Mass it will once again be possible to offer Holy Communion under both kinds. We have discussed this matter recently at a Bishops’ Conference meeting. The Church, of course, has never mandated that both species must be offered to the faithful at Mass nor that the faithful must receive Holy Communion under both kinds. The choice, when available, is left to the communicant. The Council of Trent taught that “the whole and entire Christ and the true sacrament are received under either species.” For many centuries the norm has been for the faithful to receive under one kind, the Host, and this is often the case anyway, especially at large gatherings or when for some reason, Communion under both kinds is not possible. However, as the General Instruction on the Roman Missal asserts, the “meaning” of Communion is most clearly signified when given under both species— both the Sacred Host and the Precious Blood. For many communicants, receiving under both kinds is a true, spiritual joy. So, when can the practice of offering to those who wish Holy Communion under both kinds be restored? The Bishops’ Conference hopes that the practice can be restored soon and is currently taking further medical advice in relation to the COVID safety protocols. The Bishops would also want, before any restoration of the practice, to ensure that a renewed and effective catechesis is given. So, watch this space!