Douai Abbey Pastoral Programme
Douai Abbey offers a programme of retreats, workshops, courses and day-schools which offer the opportunity for spiritual and personal development. The focus is generally on spirituality, theology, scripture, history and ministry. They invite you to join them for a number of retreat days, beginning on Saturday 10th February…
Come to Douai Abbey for a day or weekend of peaceful quiet and join the Benedictine community at their prayer and in their lovely surroundings. A series of workshops, reflection and retreats has been prepared for Spring & Summer (click here for details), and you will be most welcome to join in one or other of these events. In particular there is a series of four options for Lent including A Preparation for Lent led by Abbot Paul Gunter (an expert on Liturgy) on Saturday 10th February (click here for more information).
There are also workshops & meditations on Death & Dying, on Resurrection Art & Music, on Contemplative Photography, & a workshop for those feeling they are on the Edges of Faith. There is also a Pentecost retreat. Or just come for a quiet day or two of your own as many do.