This is Holy Week
This week is Holy Week. We began on Sunday with Palm Sunday, a ‘bitter-sweet’ celebration of the Lord’s entry into Jerusalem: ‘bitter,’ because in a few days time the acclamations of the crowds will turn to screams of rage for His death, ‘sweet,’ because He is our King and by His resurrection, He frees us from sin, suffering, death. The palms remind us Christ our King has triumphed. In the Gospel at Mass on Monday, Jesus went to Bethany, where, alluding to His burial, Mary anointed His feet with costly oil. Today Tuesday, Jesus is at supper, troubled that one of The Twelve will betray Him and another deny Him. Tomorrow, Wednesday, Judas ‘seals the deal’ to hand Him over. And on Thursday the Triduum begins, the Sacred Three Days of His death and resurrection, the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, the Passion on Good Friday, the descent into hell and the glory of Easter. The Triduum is a single celebration, the Liturgy of the Passover, the passing-over of Jesus from death to life. By His passing-over, Jesus transforms human life and makes that transformation available to us, through His Church, feeding us with His life-giving Body and Blood. Please keep this Holy Week ‘holy’ by your prayers each day, by reflecting on the daily readings from the Gospels, and by going to Mass and Confession (if you have not done already). I wish you a happy and joy-filled Easter!