2022 Poster w seminarians

Sunday – A Day to Pray and Pay for our Seminarians

Sunday – A Day to Pray and Pay for our Seminarians

As well as the importance of supporting vocations with prayer this coming weekend, the diocese asks you to generously support the second collection on Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th May in support of the Clergy Training Fund.

The Clergy Training Fund supports our seminarians, including the ten men currently in formation for the priesthood, for the duration of their six- or seven-year journey to ordination. Each seminarian brings to his training his own life experience, and then participates in a comprehensive programme of formation pastorally, intellectually, humanly and spiritually. These are the men who will baptize and catechize the coming generations, and care for us on our pilgrim way: our generosity today is a legacy to the Church of tomorrow. To sustain a seminarian costs around £30,000 each year.

Please give generously in your parish this weekend, or you can make your donation online from Monday 2nd May until Saturday 14th May here: https://donate.giveasyoulive.com/campaign/support-our-seminarians.
