By Caritas - March 21st, 2025 | Posted in News No comments

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the publication of Laudato Si’ by Pope Francis, on Saturday 10th May, 10am-1pm, CAFOD and CARITAS in Portsmouth are holding a joint event at St Peter’s, Winchester) that will be packed with practical information of how we can make a difference in our lives and that of our parish. There will be short talks from parishes working on the CAFOD’s Live Simply Award, as well as other projects from around the diocese.  You will participate in the Let us Dream activity from Journey to 2030. A member of the Diocese estates team will be there to answer questions you may have about how your parish might become more energy efficient, along with case studies. There will be information on waste, food, and biodiversity and lots of ideas and resources to take back to help your parish celebrate Laudato Si’ week later in the month.

You can find a flyer here and please advertise in your parish and jubilee small group.

To help us with numbers, we would be grateful if you can sign up here. Everyone welcome.
