Dioceses vary as to when, where and how they celebrate Confirmation and there’s a lot of discussion about the right age and the right place. As the Shepherd of this Diocese, Bishop Philip has asked that Confirmations should normally take place once every two years for the parishes of each Pastoral Area and that the course lasts two years: one year leading up to the Sacrament and then a follow-on year (mystagogia) continuing the fun, formation and prayer, together with a simple work of charity and service, such as visiting a care home. This second year helps deepen the call to discipleship of Christ, by forming a peer support-group that can be linked into our diocesan youth programmes.
The Bishop usually confers Confirmation on the weekends of Eastertide alternating between a large church in the Pastoral Area and at the Cathedral. This places the Sacrament within the correct liturgical season around Pentecost.
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