Portsmouth Diocese e-News Issue 472

I welcome you to this short Christmas Eve edition of e-News. I want to wish you a very happy Christmas and a blessed New Year ahead – 2025, the Jubilee Year. Click on the picture above for a short Christmas video-message which I have just recorded for the local press.
This Christmas, let us pray for peace in the world, especially in Ukraine and the Middle East. Let us also pray for and seek to assist the poor and the homeless, the sick and the elderly, and those on their own without family and friends.
I hope over these next days, you’ll find some space yourself for prayer and reflection, as well as relaxation and downtime with your families and friends.
e-News is on holiday next week. The next edition will be on 7th January. Until then, may God bless you with His Love.
[Image: William Congdon / Chiese di Milano]
Thought for the Week

O Emmanuel, Rex et legifer noster, exspectatio gentium, et Salvator earum: veni ad salvandum nos Domine Deus noster.
O Emmanuel, our King and Lawgiver, the Expected of the Nations and their Saviour, come to save us, O Lord our God.
(Liturgy of the Hours, 23rd December)
You can continue to read this issue in full here.