Portsmouth Diocese e-News Issue 475

Yesterday, amidst pomp, show and ceremony, the inauguration of the new President of the United States, Donald Trump, took place. Meanwhile, over in the Middle East, after 15 months of war, the fragile ceasefire continues between Israel and Hamas and a welcome initial exchange of hostages has occurred. Here this week, MPs are beginning a lengthy process of scrutiny in committee of the proposed assisted suicide bill, while it seems that a number of MPs who originally voted in favour a few weeks ago are now sitting on the fence. The USA, the Holy Land, the UK – we might add Ukraine too – give us many intentions for earnest prayer.
Welcome to this e-News for Tuesday 21st January 2025, today, the Memorial of the Virgin and Martyr, St. Agnes. There are a number of other saints whom we commemorate this week: see below. This is also the Octave of Prayer for the Unity of Christians: do keep this important intention in your prayers. Currently, we are planning for the Rite of Election: if you or your parish have catechumens and candidates, please see the note below. Otherwise, there are a lot of events and invitations coming up over the next weeks: you can read about them all in e-News this week. I wish all our readers and all members of our wonderful Diocese of Portsmouth a blessed week ahead.
You can read this issue in full here.
[Image: Getty Images]