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Bishop Philip writes…

The world at the moment seems to be on fire. Events are moving quickly and it’s difficult to see where things are going. Meanwhile, the war in Ukraine continues with Russian bombing of sites across the country. Whatever might be going on behind the scenes, let us pray earnestly once again for an end to war and violence, for the success of the negotiations that are taking place this week, and for an effective truce that brings peace, justice and reconciliation.

Welcome to this week’s e-News for Tuesday 11th March 2025, the first full week of Lent. Let us continue to offer our prayers for the Holy Father whose conditions seems now a little more settled, although he is still suffering badly with breathing complications. There is a lot to read this week in e-News – thank you for all the news items you have sent in from your schools and parishes. During this Lent within this Holy Year, may the Lord renew us in hope and help us all to grow in holiness so that we can bring many more people to Jesus Christ through His Church. With my prayers for you all over the week ahead.

In Corde Iesu

+ Philip

Bishop of Portsmouth

You can read this week’s issue in full here.

[Image: CNN / Vitalii Hnidyi / Reuters]
ukraine fire

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