This is the Season of Creation
We are now in the “Season of Creation” The Season of Creation, which runs from 1st September (A World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation) to 4th October (the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi) each year. This ecumenical season is dedicated to prayer and action for the protection of creation. It is a time to renew our relationships with God our Creator, and with all creation, as we join together in prayer. We give thanks for all that God has made, repent for the damage that we have caused and commit ourselves to take action to protect the earth our common home. “Listen to the voice of creation” is the theme and invitation of this year’s Season of Creation. In his message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation 2022, Pope Francis calls on us to use the season to “cultivate our ecological conversion” and to pray together in “the great cathedral of Creation”.
For resources, see CAFOD. There are a number of resources also to be found on the Laudato si Movement website.