10th Anniversary Celebration at St Bede’s
Liz Murphy shares news of a recent 10th anniversary celebration in Basingstoke…
St Bede’s Kneeler Group celebrated their 10th Anniversary on Sunday 2nd October with a Mass said for their intentions with tea and cakes served by the group. There was a free raffle for each family to thank the Parish for their support over the past 10 years, the prize being a kneeler dedicated to the winning ticket holders family. The objective of the group is to leave a legacy for future generations, to provide an environment in which those taking part in the project can benefit from forming and deepening friendships in addition to developing a sense of community within the parish The group started with 14 members attending the first meeting and since then they have had a steady flow of volunteers maintaining an average of 25 active members of all ages and some of them men. New members are welcome, so if you are interested please contact Susan Beard by email.