A Deeper Understanding of Welcome
Liza Nahajski, Leader of our Ananias and Intercession (Pre-Discipleship) Team invites you to the popular sell out event, A Deeper Understanding of Welcome which will rerun on the Thursday 12th May from 7-9 pm.
The topic is how we welcome people into Christ’s Church. The event is free to join and includes thought-provoking ideas and inspiration on how to reach out to and welcome everyone to life in Jesus Christ and the community of His Church. It is open to everyone but will be especially appropriate to those involved in the Ministry of Welcome, church greeters, those supporting adults and parents of children in sacramental programmes, small group leaders and parish leadership teams. With breakout discussion groups we will discuss hospitality, meeting people where they are, the gift of listening and accompaniment as well as how we engage with the digital audience, those on the margins, the isolated and hard to reach recognising welcome is not limited to the church door on a Sunday. Do join us on Zoom on Thursday 12th May – you need to register (free) here: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/booking/t-xmvmlop. For more details, contact Liza on lnahajski@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk.
A few of the comments from participants from March 10th:
- I’m really impressed at the depth of Laity involvement in Portsmouth Diocese and Bishop Philip’s enthusiasm!
- There was so much to listen to and learn from and enjoy, you had terrific people, the clips were fascinating, and the whole thing was full of ideas to learn from.
- I left this meeting inspired.
- We have much to reflect on from tonight.
- It was brilliant.
- It helped me to find the motivation I need.
- Many thanks for putting on a very important event.