A New Chaplain for Reading University
On Saturday, I met with Sr. Margaret of the Handmaids of the Holy Child, along with Sr. Veronica and Sr. Rita. The Handmaids live in Upper Redlands Road in Reading and help in the parish of St. James and St. William of York. Sr. Margaret, who before being appointed to the community in Reading, worked in Carlisle and in Blackpool, arrived in Reading in September and has been working with Fr. Stan Gibzinski, parish priest of Our Lady of Peace and Blessed Dominic Barberi, who is the priest-chaplain to Reading University. Sister will take the Oath of Fidelity and make her Profession of Faith at a Mass in the chaplaincy in March before then officially taking up her appointment as Assistant Chaplain. Please pray for her and for the students of the University. Please pray for mission of the Church in our universities and for Canon PJ Smith who has responsibility for coordinating tertiary level chaplaincy services across the Diocese.