Alton Day of Renewal
The team at Alton Day of Renewal invite you to this month’s online meeting on Saturday 27th January…
An internationally acclaimed Author, Conference Speaker and Catholic Renewal Leader will be the keynote speaker at a free mini-retreat to show how relying on the power of the Holy Spirit is vital in enabling us to respond to God’s call to be holy.
The meeting is hosted by “ADoRE”, one of the longest-running charismatic days of renewal in the country, and includes Mass, adoration, praise and worship, inspired teaching and prayer for all participants to receive the anointing and gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Guest speaker on 27th January is Charles Whitehead KSG, who worked closely with Pope St. John Paul II for many years as President of the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Council. He also founded the popular Celebrate Family Conferences.
Charles’s talk is entitled “Chosen to be holy – transformation by the Holy Spirit” and it will be an introductory overview of the year’s theme of holiness through the Holy Spirit.
The Mini-retreat is on Saturday 27th January 10.00am – 1.00pm on Zoom. For full details and advance registration click here. You can find a poster here.