An Invitation from the Called & Gifted team
The Called & Gifted team invites you to a Trinity Conference: Reawakening the Catholic Vision at Leeds Trinity University on Saturday 17 February 2024, 9.00am – 5.00pm…
How can the Catholic Church understand and respond to the post-Christian era? What is the future of our Catholic parishes, schools and homes when much of what we see appears in decline? How does the Church evangelise, form, teach and catechise adults in a post-Christendom age? How, in a world of competing social agendas, can the Church reclaim the narrative for true justice in the world? Speakers include keynote from Monsignor James Shea, President of the University of Mary (North Dakota, USA) and co-author of: “From Christendom to Apostolic Mission”, and Archbishop Mark O’Toole (CBCEW), Dr Hannah Vaughan-Spruce (Divine Revelation UK), Claire Fernandes (Celebrate) and more.
Ticket price includes access to all the talks, lunch, refreshments and a hard copy of the conference publication including written papers from all of the speakers. For the full timetable and booking info see here: www.trinityconference.co.uk. Any questions should be directed to: h.hayward@leedstrinity.ac.uk.