Are you being called to the Permanent Diaconate?
Fr Dominic Adeiza, Diocesan Director of the Permanent Diaconate invites you to consider if you are being called to the Permanent Diaconate…
Have you ever wondered what it’s all about but something has held you back from finding out more about it? Is there a little voice in your head, that can’t be silenced? If that’s YOU, why not ‘Come & See’ for yourself without committing to anything further?
We’ll be holding an information event on Saturday 11th June at St Bede’s church, Basingstoke from 9am – 2pm where you’ll get to hear first hand, from those who are involved and what it’s been like for them. You’ve got nothing to lose!
If you’d like to attend, please call Pam on 07883 059529 to book a space and to help with catering requirements. If you can’t make it on the day, but would like to know more, please contact Pam or email diaconate@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk