Buffer Zones
Last week, the Government announced that legislation to enact so-called ‘safe access zones’ or ‘buffer zones’ outside abortion facilities in England and Wales will come into force from 31st October. This legislation, contained in section 9 of the Public Order Act 2023, criminalises a range of activities within a 150-metre perimeter of an abortion facility, including prayer, thought (sic), peaceful presence, consensual communication and offers of practical support to women in vulnerable situations, should any of these be deemed to influence or interfere with access to the clinic. To me, this legislation is deeply concerning. It brings thought-crime into the UK! It threatens freedom of speech, thought, conscience and religion for people of all faiths and none. Bishop John Sherrington, the Lead Bishop for Life Issues for the Bishops’ Conference, has rightly said that this legislation is unnecessary and disproportionate. Whilst it is surely correct to condemn harassment and intimidation of women en route to a clinic, there are already laws and mechanisms in place to protect them from such behaviour. “In practice, and despite any other intention, this legislation constitutes discrimination and disproportionately affects people of faith. Religious freedom is the foundational freedom of any free and democratic society, essential for the flourishing and realisation of dignity of every human person. Religious freedom includes the right to manifest one’s private beliefs in public through witness, prayer and charitable outreach, including outside abortion facilities.”
There are other worrying threats to the dignity and value of human life that the government is seeking to introduce during the lifetime of this Parliament, including assisted suicide and euthanasia. It really is crucial for us as Catholics that we know and understand our teaching and that we seek to find ways of appropriately putting forward our viewpoint. [Image/article (amended): CBCEW]
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