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Catch up on key publications from 2023

Catch up on key publications from 2023

Jenny LeLean, Head of Charity, Caritas Portsmouth invites us to catch up on key publications from the past year…

The break over Christmas can be a great time to catch up on some reading so here is a list of key publications and statements that have come out this year.

Laudate Deum is the new apostolic exhortation from Pope Francis, following from Laudato Si’ in which Pope Francis calls for everyone to care for our common home.

Pope Francis’ message to people at COP28.

Love the Stranger is a a publication from the Department for International Affairs that presents a Catholic response to migrants and refugees. It places the human being at the heart of our pastoral outreach, looking beyond statistics and policies to the person – each with a name, a face and a story. Caritas Westminster, with the Mayday Trust, has been doing some work listening to those seeking sanctuary in the UK and have summarized their responses in a new report.

The Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales released an Autumn 2023 Cost of Living Statement ahead of the Governments Autumn Statement. You can also read the response to the governments Autumn Statement from Caritas Social Action Network.

Together for the Common Good have launched a new Podcast ‘Leaving Egypt’, co-hosted by Jenny Sinclair and Al Roxburgh, they are exploring what it means to be God’s people in an age of unravelling.

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