Closer to Christ in Winchester
As reported in recent issues of e-News, thanks to the leadership of our priests in over 60 parishes and the extraordinary generosity of nearly 3,000 families, we are so pleased to share that we have now secured almost £11 million in pledges to the Closer to Christ campaign. This is a truly remarkable achievement and speaks to the genuine commitment to the future of our Catholic faith across our Diocese.
To date, nearly £600,000 in funds raised has been used to help fire up local initiatives and support parish projects. Here, four different parishes from across the Diocese talk about the difference that the money raised through the Campaign has been used for within their respective faith communities.
St Peter and the Winchester Martyrs parish has spent nearly £70,000 to date with Closer to Christ funding as part of the implementation of the principles of Divine Renovation across the worshipping community. Furthermore, the parish continue to plan building works for the Centenary Project in 2026, with the aim of undertaking much of the work in 2025.