Diocesan Day for Catechists
Sr Hyacinthe OP, Fr Mark Hogan, our diocesan Episcopal Vicar for Evangelisation and the Formation for Mission Team invite all present and future catechists, children’s Liturgy leaders and helpers, and everyone interested in passing on the faith to our Day for Catechists taking place in Winchester on Saturday 8th October, from 10am to 4pm.
This day will be a wonderful occasion to meet face to face, pray together and celebrate, and share expertise and resources in our various ministries. Fr Mark has asked Sr Hyacinthe, the sisters and the whole FFM team to run the day, and in fact to continue for the time being running the annual day for catechists in the diocese, which is a great joy for us, as this will allow us to meet again regularly!
The programme for this year’s Day for Catechists is for Fr Mark to introduce the new provisions for Formation for Mission in the diocese, in the light of the draft Diocesan Ten-Year Mission Plan (‘You Will be My Witnesses’). In the afternoon, after a Mass of thanksgiving for all diocesan catechists and lunch (which participants need to bring), we will meet in groups according to the various catechetical ministries (RCIA, First Holy Communion, Children’s Liturgy…) to share and learn from others involved in the same ministries across the diocese.
Please click here to sign up for the day and invite others to do so, even if they are not yet catechists. This will be our fist opportunity to meet again as catechists after the Covid interruption, and I am so looking forward to it!