Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes – last few spaces
I will be leading our Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes this summer from the 18th to 22nd July 2022, there are still a few places available if you would like to join us. The cost for a shared room is £675 and includes return flights from Bournemouth to Lourdes, and full board at Hotel La solitude.
Lourdes has a long history as a place of pilgrimage especially for those in need of peace and healing. During our pilgrimage we will have time for private prayer at the Grotto where Our Lady appeared to St Bernadette. During the pilgrimage our varied and full program will also enable you to take part in the candlelit evening procession, the Blessed Sacrament procession as well as the Stations of the Cross. We will join together for daily Mass and those who are in need of the Sacrament of Anointing will be able to receive this Sacrament in this holy place. You could also join an optional excursion to Gavarnie with its breath-taking views of the mountains is often described by pilgrims as a pilgrimage highlight.
In order to join our pilgrimage email: lourdes@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk or phone 07780 221686 now.