First Holy Communions in Winchester
Rosanne Walker, Baptism and First Holy Communion Co-Ordinator / Children and Family Ministry Team Leader at St Peter and the Winchester Martyrs Parish shares news of this year’s First Holy Communion celebrations…
We had two very joyful First Holy Communion Masses at the beginning of July, with 40 children receiving Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament for the first time. Fr Mark Hogan celebrated both Masses, with Fr Anthony concelebrating at the morning Mass. Thanks to our wonderful catechists: Christian, Francesco, Joanne, Katie, and Sara and also to Ian Waring-Green (organist), Liz Slinn (cantor), Jane Reidy (flowers), the siblings of several First Communicants who served, and Tony Darlison for overseeing them. The following day the children and their families were welcomed by individual church communities at their usual Sunday Masses, and celebrated afterwards with fellow parishioners. It was wonderful to see such happy faces and hearts, and we pray they would continue to grow in love of Jesus and spread the joy and truth of the Gospel to all they meet.