From the Isle of Wight Catholic History Society
Peter Clarke from Isle of Wight Catholic History Society shares the December newsletter from the society…
As usual there is a great deal of information in this newsletter relating to our Catholic history. This is a significant time in the Island’s Catholic history, as we evolve gradually to a One Island parish. This is in stark contrast to the history of English Catholic parishes, when new churches were built and they then almost immediately, they became the focal point of a new parish. Sadly, we are not building Catholic churches, schools or convents these days. On the contrary, we are closing them. Despite the positive spin that often accompanies these announcements; let’s be honest; it is largely about managing decline and running a PR campaign to accompany it. As we know, the number of Catholics, and consequently, Mass attendance, is falling drastically. Confessionals are empty, parish devotional life in sharp decline and our children, in many instances, are growing up, detached from the faith.
Fortunately, our CHS continues in the opposite direction, with membership increasing, and interest via our website, newsletters and Facebook receiving increased viewing. Whilst some believe that our Catholic heritage should be downplayed or overlooked, the IoW CHS will continue to promote and raise the profile of our past achievements and the significant contributions made by our past benefactors in advancing the One True Faith.
You can read the newsletter in full here.