Get to Know Jesus Better
Zoom in and get to know Jesus better this Lent! Our Lady & St Edmund of Abingdon invite you to join their 2022 Parish Lenten Prayer and Reflections: ‘Knowing Jesus – the emotional Jesus’…
Understanding Christ’s humanity is key to building a more intimate relationship with him, and Our Lady & St Edmund of Abingdon invite you to join its parish 2022 Lenten Prayer and Reflections, ‘Knowing Jesus – the emotional Jesus’, by Zoom. Beginning on Thursday 5th March the Lenten reflections will focus on Gospel stories revealing ‘the emotional Jesus’ and will include discussions on scripture, artwork and music, and the opportunity for prayer. The course will continue every Thursday evening throughout Lent from 7.30pm to 8.15pm. Everyone is welcome to join all or any of the sessions and people can choose whether to participate in various discussions and sharing or can simply listen and reflect if they prefer. ‘Knowing Jesus’ will be hosted by the parish RCIA team and anyone interested should contact Pauline on pehanley@hotmail.com or call 07506 753085 to register for the Zoom link.