Good Book for Confirmation Candidates?
I am happy to recommend to you a new book. Dr. Denise Oliver, colleague of Dr. Christina Pal from the Life in Truth apostolate (both of whom some of you may know from their time in Bournemouth with the Academy of the Annunciation) has just published a splendid little book, called Renewal in the Seven Gifts: Novena and Consecration to the Holy Spirit (London, Claritas: 2023), available from Amazon and the usual book stores. It is a collection of short and simple meditations on each of the Gifts with Scripture extracts, reflections and prayers. It can be used by anyone at any time, but it seems especially helpful for youngsters preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Dr. Oliver in her letter to me said how it was our diocesan Year of the Holy Spirit last year that inspired her to write it. “Renewal in the seven gifts through this Novena and Consecration to the Holy Spirit promotes a deeper awareness and a greater openness to the sanctifying action of the Holy Spirit through the operation of His sevenfold gift. The charismatic renewal brought about a greater awareness of the Spirit’s action through charismatic graces which are enumerated in 1 Cor. 12. The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit (Isa 11: 2-3) are often forgotten; yet it is these gifts which help us to soar in the spiritual life.” She then adds: “We can never decide when the Holy Spirit will work through His gifts, but we can certainly be better prepared for His action. Let us be ready for an outpouring of the Spirit through His sevenfold gift, and promote a renewal in awareness of these most precious treasures!”