Honouring Mary at St Dominic Savio
Tara Sharp, Assistant Headteacher and RE Leader at St. Dominic Savio Catholic Primary School in Woodley shares news of the school’s recent May Devotions…
St Dominic Savio Catholic Primary School held their May Procession and Crowning of Mary on Wednesday 4th May. This beautiful event has been unable to take place for two years, due to the pandemic, but thankfully this year all children were able to participate. Each child brought a long stemmed flower to school, and the children came together to pray in the hall. After singing ‘As I Kneel Before You’, the children processed around the school site, before returning to lay flowers at the feet of Our Lady. Our thanks go to Ann, Mary and Michelle from St. John Bosco Church in Woodley, and to some teaching assistants and members of the school community for their wonderful floristry skills. The flowers have been organised in to a stunning display, and smell incredible in the school hall reminding us all of Mary’s Coronation in Heaven. Click here for a short video.