Join ‘The Conversation’
James Ryan from the National Office for Vocation invites you to join in ‘The Conversation’ on Thursday 5th May, 7:30pm – 9pm when you can listen in and ask our panel of guests key questions on vocation, discernment and their work within the Church…
Discerning your vocation? Want to hear others talk and discuss theirs? Join us for The Conversation, where we have a panel of guests to discuss how they live out their vocation and the work they carry out in the Church.
Our panel of guests include:
Helena Judd (Radio Maria)
Deacon Toby Duckworth (Transitional Deacon at the VEC)
Richard Mills (Catenias)
Elliot Vanstone (Mission Adviser – Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales)
Annabel Ward (Youth 2000)
Catherine Wiley (Catholic Grandparents Association)
And more to be announced…
This event takes place on Zoom and live on Radio Maria England. It is free to join, come with burning questions and submit them in the chat.
To book on free of charge visit: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-conversation-tickets-306529176017