Life in the Spirit
At Pentecost the Apostles, with Mary, received the Holy Spirit. Jesus had promised to send the Holy Spirit, to remind them of all he had said. (Jn 14: 26)
Today, we all can receive the Holy Spirit by being open to his power. The Life in the Spirit series of seven evenings provides the background for this, we pray together, we hear the testimony of others and we listen to each other in small groups. Pope Francis has asked parishes and diocese to run Life in the Spirit across the Church, because the effect of opening ourselves to the grace that we have received in Baptism will create a transformation in us. Last year, 130 people joined in; you may know some in your parish. This 2022 series runs from Thursday 9th June for seven weeks on Thursday evenings. It is online using Zoom; each session is 1½ hrs. For part of the meeting we will be in small groups of 8 people including two group leaders. The groups will be the same week by week and geographically based when possible. Please register to receive the joining details: www.tinyurl.com/2022-LIS
Listen to what Sr Veronica says about the impact of Life in the Spirit on her spiritual growth; watch the video https://youtu.be/HmlPTRyiUjg.
If you have already experienced Life in the Spirit and would like to help facilitate a small group or promote this in your parish, please get in touch with Paul or Annette O’Beirne pa@obeirne.org.uk.