Living Simply at English Martyrs
Jo Lewry, CAFOD Portsmouth’s Community Participation Co-ordinator shares an update on how English Martyrs Parish in Reading is progressing with the livesimply award…
In October English Martyrs started their livesimply journey and are working to achieve the livesimply award. They are focusing on three areas to live simply, to live sustainably and to live in solidarity with the poor. The Caring for Creation group regularly update the parish by publishing videos sharing what they have achieved. Click here to see their latest video. This Lent they have breathed new life into The Bethlehem Garden by planting yellow and blue plants to express solidarity with Ukraine. They organised a parish Walk Against Hunger on 26th March which raised £200, and also members of the parish participated in the Walk Against Hunger Lent challenge to walk 5k for the 40 days of Lent. The parishioners continue to support the local foodbank with weekly collection of food and toiletries. On Saturday 22nd May they held a plant exchange where people could swap plants and seeds or buy seedlings and grow them at home. A great way to encourage people to grow their own and buy locally. At their coffee after mass, they use Kingdom coffee and tea which is fairtrade and supports Guatemalan street children. As you can see English Martyrs is well on the way to achieving the award.
If your parish would like to sign up for the livesimply award then please contact me on portsmouth@cafod.org.uk.