Lunch with our Retired Priests
Last Tuesday, I went to St. Peter’s, Winchester for the annual lunch with our retired priests. It took place within the parish Pastoral Centre. Priests retire at the age of 75 and in our Diocese we have almost 50 retired priests, many of whom continue to serve by their prayer and example, by the advice and wisdom they share and by helping out practically as supply priests when clergy are sick or away. Their care and their needs are looked after by members of the Priests’ Retirement Fund (PRF), a team led by Mgr. Paul Townsend and Canon David Hopgood. The PRF seeks to provide priests when they retire with accommodation of choice, within certain guidelines, in an area of their choice. Regular contact is made with the priests, and help and support offered where possible. The annual lunch, organised by Canon David Hopgood, is always a jolly affair, and this year was no exception. Please pray for the retired clergy of our Diocese, for their health and well-being, thanking God for their selfless service of the Lord and His Church.