Mass for Religious
Here at the Cathedral on Friday 2nd February at 12.15pm the annual Mass for Religious will be offered. With thanks to Fr. Bruce Barnes, Episcopal Vicar for Religious, and his team, this is an annual meeting of all the religious and consecrated persons living and working within the Diocese and the Mass will be followed by lunch and a meeting in the Cathedral Discovery Centre. In the Diocese of Portsmouth, we are blessed to have 19 female religious congregations and 15 male religious congregations working among us. Some congregations are in multiple locations, such as the Benedictines at St. Cecilia’s Abbey, Quarr Abbey, Douai and Farnborough. Let us pray for all our religious. They give us all an inspiring example of prayer and dedication. If you are free, I’d like to invite all clergy and laity to join me for the Mass and to ask God’s blessing upon us all and upon our mission, and especially upon our religious brothers and sisters.
Image: St. Mary’s Abbey, Ryde.