New Online Course on Laudato Si
The Laudato Si’ Movement, launched seven years ago after Pope Francis’s landmark encyclical on the care for creation, and now an international network providing training programs and community organisations, is offering a new leadership training course called “Laudato Si’ Animators Program.” Its aim is to train Catholics who want to serve their communities according to the teachings of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato si’. The Laudato Si’ Animators Program will feature an online training course to train Catholic leaders from all over the world on various aspects of integral ecology. The course is free of charge and will be offered in English from August 24 to October 12, Italian from August to October 4, Portuguese from August 23 to October 22, and Spanish from October 4 to November 26. Click here for registration details: https://laudatosianimators.thinkific.com/courses/summer2022. Cardinal Michael Czerny, S.J., Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, has expressed his support for this course. Focusing on the core concepts of Pope Francis encyclical Laudato si’, the online training course will centre on four modules to reflect on what is happening to our common home and what we can do to effect change. It offers a comprehensive study of the Laudato si’ text and covers topics such as how to commit to personal ecological change. Participants will have the opportunity to learn from experts and leaders, develop their spirituality, and receive support for taking action in their local communities and inspire change. Upon completion of the course, participants will be recognized as Laudato Si’ animatiors and receive an official certificate. Over 30,000 people around the world have participated in the Laudato Si’ program so far: about 10,000 people passed the course and have received their certificate.
(Illustration by Peter Healy, 2011)