Our Lady of Guadalupe
Next Monday, 12th December, is the (optional) Memorial of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The story of the appearance of Our Lady to St. Juan Diego is told above (9th December). To me, one of the remarkable aspects of this image is the belt Mary is wearing, an Aztec sign of pregnancy. It is the only image I know of that depicts the Blessed Virgin pregnant, carrying in Her womb the Christ-Child. This image of Mary carrying Jesus within is also a symbol of the Church which carries Jesus in her heart, presenting Him everywhere as the Saviour of the World, the Way, the Truth, the Life. It’s also an image for the task of every parish and school, and of each one of us as Catholics: to proclaim Christ, to call people to faith, to bring Christ to others, His life, His teaching, His values. Indeed, Mary, who was utterly dedicated to Her vocation to be the Mother of God, is a perfect model for us, a model of discipleship, a model of mission and evangelisation.