Our Lady of Vladimir – Russia and Ukraine
T. Richard Layzell from Chandlers Ford in St Swithun Wells parish recently wrote to me to share news of prayer cards of Our Lady of Vladimir available from the parish…
Some 65 years ago, a British Communist – Douglas Hyde – converted to the Catholic Faith and with the help and cooperation of the “Order of Jesuits”, set up the “Sodality Cell Movement”. The movement was based on the communist cell system but in this case, each cell was dedicated to the spreading of the Catholic Faith by prayer and good works! Douglas chose as the Patron of the movement – Our Lady of Vladimir – represented by great Russian Icons!
So with Russia involved in its “Special Military Operations” and the trauma of the situation in Ukraine, let us ask “Our Lady of Vladimir” to bring peace to Russia and Ukraine. Also with President Vladimir in charge of Russia and the Russian Orthodox Church, pray for the conversion of Russia and peace in Ukraine by saying: “Oh my Jesus forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell and lead all souls to Heaven especially all those in most need of your mercy.”
Our Lady of Vladimir, pray for us especially all those in great need in Eastern Europe, Russia and most of all Ukraine! Eternal rest give unto those who have already sadly died.
If you would like to receive prayer cards of Our Lady of Vladimir please contact Teresa at the parish of Chandlers Ford.