Pastoral Visitation of Southbourne
Last weekend, I undertook the Pastoral Visitation of the lively parish of Our Lady Queen of Peace in Southbourne (Bournemouth), which is under the care of Fr. Kevin Hoiles, parish priest. I went with Fr. Anthony Fyk, the Bishop’s Secretary and the parish gave us a warm welcome. We arrived in good time for the first Mass which was at 9.30 am and then the second Mass was at 11 am. I thanked Fr. Kevin for the Visitation Forms and all their content giving a snapshot of the pastoral life of the parish. After Mass, there was time to mingle and meet many of the parishioners, some of whom I had known from diocesan events and the Lourdes pilgrimage etc. Fr. Kevin cooked a fine lunch for us and then I met with a representative selection of parishioners, the Chair of the Finance Committee and others. The visitation concluded with a time of Adoration and Benediction to pray for vocations. All in all, it was an uplifting and very encouraging day, with many parishioners truly committed to the mission of the Church.