Personal Safety at Work
Ruth Attfield, Diocesan Head of Safeguarding, reports that the theme of international Stalking Awareness Day on 18th January 2024, focussed on the risk to Lone Workers of physical and verbal abuse and harassment…
Lone working can be defined as any situation, or location, in which someone works without close or direct supervision, without a colleague nearby or who is out of sight or earshot of another colleague. Diocesan staff and volunteers who work in a building with others may be considered lone workers in certain circumstances.
The Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth has overall responsibility for ensuring the health and safety at work of our Clergy, employees, and volunteers, so far as is practical to do so. This includes compliance with several legal duties.
However, there are a few questions we can all ask ourselves to help protect our safety at work. These include:
- Do I keep in regular contact with my base/office/parish when working alone?
- Are others aware of my itinerary and work schedule?
- If I am travelling for work alone, are others aware of my planned arrival and departure times, who I am due to meet and are there up to date telephone contact numbers for us both?
- Am I clear that I should never put myself or colleagues in danger and that, if I feel in any way threatened, unsafe or in imminent danger, I should withdraw immediately?
This leaflet produced by the Suzy Lamplugh Trust is intended to make individuals think more about, and improve, their personal safety at work, along with details of where to find other sources of help and advice.
Any concerns you have about personal safety should be discussed with your Line Manager in the first instance. For those holding a role within the Diocese of Portsmouth, additional support and advice can be obtained via hr@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk
Image: Fa Barboza/Unsplash