Praying for our Seminarians
Our Seminarian to keep in your prayers this coming month is Ryan Hawkes who is in his fourth year at the Venerable English College, Rome. His home parish is St Bede’s in Basingstoke. He writes…
When I began seminary everybody told me that ‘you have to make the most of it because the years will fly by’, and, now in my fifth year of formation and second year of Theology, I’m coming to understand what they meant! The time really does pass very quickly and is packed with wonderful experiences and opportunities, even if there are challenges long the way.
One such experience which I’m enjoying this year is my house-job: ‘Schola Master’, the director of our seminary choir. It’s really amazing to see how willing my brother seminarians are (even those who would admit to being less musically inclined than others) to throw themselves into choral singing, and the standard really is high. Before heading home for Christmas the Schola led our annual Advent carol service. This is always a highlight and we had to do it twice because of the number of guests!
At the end of this year I, along with Jack Ryan, will be admitted to Candidacy for Holy Orders, all being well. This represents our last ‘step’ before ordination to the Diaconate and so holds special significance for us. The prayer and support of those back at home really does carry us through, so thank you for all that you’re doing!
Please, at this time of year, remember in prayer those who, for whatever reason and in whatever way, do not know the love of God for them, or do not receive love from others. And of course, let’s pray for peace in the Holy Land.
You can read the Vocations Prayer Newsletter for January 2024 here.