Restored Lives
Southampton City Centre Parish is running another Restored Lives course on line commencing Monday 9th May (7-9pm) for 6 weeks.
This course helps people to recover from the experiences of divorce or relationship breakdown and rebuild self -confidence. The course outlines the journey from breakdown to recovery, exploring communication, handling conflict, conflict resolution, managing other relationships and letting go. The course is founded on Christian principles but open to all. You will meet with others at different stages of broken relationships and will have the opportunity to share and explore in a safe and welcoming environment. Those who have participated in the past have spoken about how the course has enabled them to feel supported and listened to: “I knew that I was not alone.’ The timing is apt as feedback from the synodal survey has demonstrated that people are longing for the Church to be a safe and welcoming environment where all are welcomed and accepted especially young people, women and divorced and remarried couples. Registration details are on the parish website: www.southamptoncitycentrecatholics.org or contact the Parish Office for more information: office@southamptoncitycentrecatholics.org.