St. Magloire, Abbot of Dol (d. 586)
Next Monday 24th October is the Memorial in Guernsey parish of St. Magloire. Magloire was born in Brittany towards the end of the fifth century of a noble family. As a youth, he was placed under the tutelage of his first cousin, St. Samson, who had become an abbot in England but had later returned to Brittany and been appointed bishop of Dol. Magloire made great progress in his education and after ordination became abbot of Lanmeur monastery, which he governed with prudence and holiness for fifty-two years. When Samson died, he was elected to replace him at Dol. Despite his hesitation, based on sentiments of unworthiness and incapacity, he accepted, but after two or three years, he asked to retire. He built a cell in a very deserted area, but many people came seeking his prayers for their cure or deliverance from evil spirits. A wealthy man cured of leprosy gave him at first half, then the whole of the Island of Sark, which was his property. There Magloire founded a new monastery with over sixty monks. He died in the year 586. Miracles were effected at his tomb.