Still time to contribute to the Clergy Training Fund
Congratulations to two of our Seminarians, Jack Ryan (left) and Ryan Hawkes (second right) who are currently studying for the Sacred Priesthood at the Venerable English College in Rome. As part of their journey through their Formation, they were recently instituted to the Ministry of Reader (or Lectorate) by Archbishop Paul Gallagher, Secretary for Relations with States within the Holy See’s Secretariat of State.
This news is an opportunity to invite you, if you’ve not already done so, to support our annual appeal for the Clergy Training Fund which supports our seminarians, including the ten men currently in formation for the priesthood, for the duration of their six or seven-year journey to ordination. Each seminarian brings to his training his own life experience, and then participates in a comprehensive programme of formation pastorally, intellectually, humanly and spiritually. These are the men who will baptize and catechize the coming generations, and care for us on our pilgrim way: our generosity today is a legacy to the Church of tomorrow. All this is a huge expense to the diocese, of course, as to sustain a seminarian costs around £30,000 each year.
Please give generously to ensure we have priests to serve our diocese in years to come. You can make your donation online until Saturday 14th May by clicking here – and please remember to keep all our seminarians, diaconate students and those discerning a vocation to ordained ministry in your regular prayers.