Hampshire Church Leaders Gathering
Last Tuesday, we had a meeting of the Hampshire Church Leaders, of which I am the convenor. It was a special joy this time to welcome Bishop David Williams, the Anglican Bishop of Basingstoke and Bishop Geoff Annas, the Bishop of Southampton. We also had Major Mike Lloyd-Jones of the Salvation Army with us as well as Rev. Andrew de Ville, the District Chair of the Methodist Church. Bishop Jonathan of Portsmouth would usually be present but last week he was away on annual leave. This was the last time Rev. Andrew de Ville was with us as in the summer he is stepping down from being the District Chair and taking on leadership of the parish in Romsey. The meetings are joyful and informative. This time Bishop David led us in prayer, and we had an uplifting discussion about what gives us hope in our respective communities and in our lives. The meeting fished with lunch.
Please pray for all our church leaders and for our brothers and sisters in the other Christian communities.
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