Welcome from Bishop Philip
Dear Friends,
Welcome to this week’s e-News with its round-up of prayer, events and liturgies from across the Diocese and beyond. A continuing and important intention for us to pray for this week is for a resolution of the international tension in Ukraine. Please keep the peoples of Ukraine in your prayer: perhaps you could offer a Decade of the Rosary invoking the help of Mary, Queen of Peace? There are some important events coming up to which I wish like to invite you, including the Rite of Election on 5th March. Lent begins soon and so you will find below some advance invitations to prayer in Abingdon, and the Alpha course in Christchurch. Fr. Bernadine writes to us about an episcopal visitation in Bamenda, and St. Teresa’s school in Wokingham celebrates their cultural diversity. And where is that a picture of…? Meanwhile, I wish you a blessed week ahead with the Lord’s joy and peace.