Welcome from Bishop Philip
Dear Friends,
We are clearly at a further moment of political turmoil and uncertainty. The systematic reversal of the mini-budget has been unprecedented and there is much speculation about what might happen next. At times like this, we turn to our faith which gives us a long term view, much assurance and a supernatural vision. “Blessed be the Lord my rock” (Ps 144) and with St Paul we exclaim: “I count everything as loss .. and even as rubbish .. compared with the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord” (Phil 3:8). Let us pray for our Prime Minister, the government and our political leaders that the Holy Spirit will guide them through the challenges and assist them in their onerous tasks, filling them with wisdom and prudence. Meanwhile this week, we commemorate the sixtieth anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council. Vatican II ran from 1962 to 1965. It was arguably the most significant religious event of the twentieth century and it continues to give energy and direction to the Church today. Connected to this was the Holy Father’s announcement on Sunday that the Synod on Synodality is being extended to run for another year. More on this next week. There’s a lot of local news this week and diocesan events – and our thanks to all who have sent things in. I wish you many blessings in the week ahead – and please pray for me.