What does it mean to be Human?
Last Saturday, our Dialogue with Cultural Sectors team met. We are planning another Symposium, this time on ethical issues related to health and social care. The working title is “What does it mean to be human? Issues in Health and Social Care” and the aim is to explore and bring an authentic view of the human person (supported by our Catholic faith) into critical conversation with aspects of contemporary health and social care. What can Catholics offer? What can Catholics learn? How might we demonstrate more effectively that the teaching and values of the Gospel are the right way to human flourishing? The Symposium will probably take place in September 2024. More details in due course.
We are planning an in-person Symposium – the last one on politics and religion was online – following the same pattern as previously, with two key-note presentations on the same topic but from different speakers, and then six workshops, from which participants choose two. Plans are still at an early stage, but the suggested title for the keynote presentations is “How significant is the sexual revolution?” The workshops might include: What does it mean to be a Human Being? The beginnings of life: issues in fertility and genetics. Gender dysphoria and reassignment. The values of the NHS. Spirituality, Addiction and Mental Health. At the end of life: Dying well.
The range of this Symposium, as with the previous ones on Science and Religion (2018) and Politics and Religion (2021), is broad and as before, it will be open to everyone of good will, regardless of their personal beliefs, who are interested in these issues. The aim is to tackle some of the hot-button issues of the day, but in a humble, non-combative manner, the Church serving humanity by contributing its Divine teaching to the current debate.