What is your New Year resolution?
Jo Lewry asks what is your New Year resolution? Why not volunteer for CAFOD?
We have many volunteering opportunities in the Portsmouth Diocese to enable you to put your faith into action so why not come and join our team of amazing volunteers, like these parish volunteers from Isle of Wight? You can make a difference and help your brothers and sisters living in poverty overseas so please volunteer! For more information, please contact me by email jlewry@cafod.org.uk or telephone 07710 094447.
We are looking for new school volunteers especially in Isle of Wight, Reading, Maidenhead and Portsmouth who can visit Catholic primary schools to share assemblies and workshops about CAFOD’s work and inspire our young people to put their faith into action. So, if you have time during to week to visit our Catholic primary and secondary schools please get it in touch to find out more. Full training and resources are provided.
Our fantastic parish volunteers help promote our Lent and Harvest family fast days in their parishes. So why not come and join our volunteering team.
“For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink” Matthew 25:35.