Why not Visit Walsingham this year?
Fr Robert Billing, Rector at the Catholic National Shrine and Basilica of Our Lady, Walsingham recently wrote to Bishop Philip encouraging readers to consider organising a pilgrimage to Walsingham…
I take this opportunity to invite those of you who do not yet regularly lead a Pilgrimage to Walsingham to consider doing so in 2024. I invite parishes, or groups of parishes, to come on pilgrimage here and to stay with us. Perhaps, if pilgrimage to Walsingham has not been a regular feature of your calendar, you might like to think about organising a pilgrimage in the Jubilee Year of 2025 – under the title of Pilgrims of Hope. In any case, we would be very pleased to offer a warm welcome to pilgrims from your local Church! I am particularly mindful that, for many, the cost of going on the Diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes, may be increasingly prohibitive, given the limited number of chartered flights to Lourdes-Tarbes airport and so Walsingham might be an appropriate alternative.
Em Payne, our Pilgrimage Manager will be glad to give local organisers and clergy, every practical assistance in organising everything going forward via email: pilgrimage@walsingham.org.uk