Year of the Eucharist
In our Diocese of Portsmouth, the Year of the Eucharist continues. This special Year began on the Feast of Corpus Christi, 6th June 2021 and will continue until Christmas this year. In this Year, I am inviting everyone in the Diocese to undertake by God’s grace a period of intense, spiritual renewal. The purpose ultimately is to help us realise our diocesan ambition of Bringing People Closer to Jesus Christ through His Church. We are always totally dependent on God and His grace and on the gifts of the Holy Spirit He pours out upon us, above all through the Holy Eucharist. In other words, we wish to be renewed in faith so that we will be better equipped for service and for mission. This Year is a unique opportunity for the Diocese as a whole, for parishes and schools, clergy and faithful, families and individuals to rekindle our love for Jesus Christ really and truly present and active in the Holy Eucharist. The Eucharist, and the Blessed Sacrament we adore outside of Mass – It is the Lord! (cf. John 21: 7) There is a booklet to help you, which you can download here. Meanwhile, why not think of making a short pilgrimage to one of the five shrine churches in the Diocese established for this holy Year – the Cathedral, St. James’s Reading, Sacred Heart Bournemouth, St. Thomas’s, Jersey or St. Joseph’s, Guernsey?