Parish Priest: Fr. Rinda Emmanuel Bamuh
Corpus Christi Office: 21 Gladys Ave. Portsmouth PO2 9AZ
Tel: 023 9266 0927 (Emergency calls: TXT 07424 018519)
Parish Secretary/Bookkeeper: Jenny Elliott
Office Hours: 9 AM – 4 PM (Mon, Wed, Thurs & Fri)
ST.JOSEPH’S, Tangier Road, Copnor PO3 6JL
Website: Email:
Marian Franciscans at St. Joseph
Tel: 023 9283 1245 Email:
St Joseph Hall Booking: or phone the office
Parish Safeguarding Ministers
Corpus Christi: Shelagh Card: St. Joseph’s:
PLEASE NOTE: Any of the above can be contacted via the Parish Office
More info click here.